Author. Creative. Follower.

Target (263 words)

 If you spot an archon, run. That’s the informal rule we had all been taught as Luminaries. The Engagement Doctrine says as much, albeit in more convoluted language.

As a young Luminary, I never paid much attention to the Engagement Doctrine. Nor had I ever met an archon. I figured if I did, my first reaction would be to stand my ground and fight for the Light—Doctrine be damned—not run away like a scared wimp.

Heresies are common in our city. Mostly minor emanations—formless and misshapen—that breed and build nests in well-trafficked spaces, invisible to most city-folk. Whenever I rode the Metro Line from home to the Training Center, I would without fail spot a least one of the pests hitching a ride in my passenger car.

A recited Lorica or some stored-up Charism was enough to burn them out. If they were oppressing another passenger, I would quietly give that person Light even though they weren’t a Luminary. That was also against Doctrine, and I could see why. Every time I gave Light to a non-Luminary, the emanations nearby would hiss with anger, as if it were a personal affront. That only encouraged me to do it even more, if only to enrage them. It was a petty way of taking a stand against the spiritual forces that had established strongholds all throughout the city I loved.

I never imagined that doing so would put a target on my head. Or that it would endanger those I loved. I never thought they would send an archon after me.

Works in Progress

Project #1
progress bar for progress #1 here 65%
Project #2
progress bar for progress #2 here 75%
Project #3
progress bar for progress #3 here 85%

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